Free Jokes Defination
source( : a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph)
b : a secretion (as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity
a in medieval physiology : a fluid or juice of an animal or plant; specifically : one of the four fluids entering into the constitution of the body and determining by their relative proportions a person's health and temperament
b : characteristic or habitual disposition or bent : temperament <of cheerful humor>
c : an often temporary state of mind imposed especially by circumstances <was in no humor to listen>
d : a sudden, unpredictable, or unreasoning inclination : whim
a : that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous
b : the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous
c : something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing
— out of humor
: out of sorts
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Examples of HUMOR
He didn't appreciate the humor of the situation.
Someday, you'll see the humor in this.
Everyone likes the gentle humor of his stories of family life.
She doesn't care for ethnic humor.
The book is a collection of American humor.
His humor is one of his most attractive qualities.
Origin of HUMOR
Middle English humour, from Anglo-French umor, umour, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin humor, from Latin humor, umor moisture; akin to Old Norse vǫkr damp, Latin humēre to be moist, and perhaps to Greek hygros wet
First Known Use: 14th century
Related to HUMOR
comedy, comic, comicality, drollery, drollness, funniness, hilariousness, humorousness, richness, uproariousness
Related Words
amusement, enjoyment, fun, pleasure; absurdity, irony, laughableness, ludicrousness, ridiculousness; whimsicality, wittiness, wryness; burlesque, caricature, farce, jest, lampoon, parody, satire, slapstick, spoof, takeoff; jocularity, jokiness, playfulness, waggishness
Near Antonyms
agony, anguish, dolor, grief, heartache, heartbreak, misery, sorrow, torment, torture, tribulation, woe; gravity, seriousness, soberness, solemnity, solemnness, somberness
See Synonym Discussion at wit
Rhymes with HUMOR
bloomer, Bloomer, boomer, groomer, roomer, rumor, Sumer, tumor
2humor verb
: to try to please or satisfy (someone) by doing what is wanted
Full Definition of HUMOR
transitive verb
: to soothe or content by indulgence
: to adapt oneself to
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Examples of HUMOR
The only way to get along with him is to humor him.
<humored her grandfather by listening to his war stories for the hundredth time>
First Known Use of HUMOR
Related to HUMOR
cater (to), gratify, indulge
Related Words
bask, luxuriate, revel, wallow; coddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil; delight, please, pleasure; sate, satiate, satisfy
Near Antonyms
bridle, check, constrain, curb, inhibit, restrain, stifle
a : a normal functioning bodily semifluid or fluid (as the blood or lymph)
b : a secretion (as a hormone) that is an excitant of activity
in ancient and medieval physiology : a fluid or juice of an animal or plant; specifically : one of the four fluids that were believed to enter into the constitution of the body and to determine by their relative proportions a person's health and temperament—see black bile, blood 3, phlegm
She meant it as a joke, but many people took her seriously.
They played a harmless joke on him.
They are always making jokes about his car.
I heard a funny joke yesterday.
the punch line of a joke
I didn't get the joke.
That exam was a joke.
Their product became a joke in the industry.
He's in danger of becoming a national joke.
funning, joking, wisecracking; knee-slapper, panic [slang], riot, scream, thigh-slapper; antic, buffoonery, caper, leg-pull, monkeyshine(s), practical joke, prank, trick; burlesque, caricature, lampoon, mock, mockery, parody, put-on, riff; banter, kidding, persiflage, raillery, repartee; drollness, facetiousness, funniness, hilariousness, humorousness; comedy, humor, wit, wordplay
My friends would joke about the uniform I had to wear at work.
She joked about the possibility of losing her job.
I thought he was joking when he said he might quit, but it turned out that he really meant it.
Don't take it seriously: I was only joking.
She spent a few minutes joking with reporters after giving her speech.
She joked that she could always get work as a truck driver if she lost her job.
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