Funny Kid Jokes Defination
She meant it as a joke, but many people took her seriously.
They played a harmless joke on him.
They are always making jokes about his car.
I heard a funny joke yesterday.
the punch line of a joke
I didn't get the joke.
That exam was a joke.
Their product became a joke in the industry.
He's in danger of becoming a national joke.
Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati he asks
First Known Use: 1670
funning, joking, wisecracking; knee-slapper, panic [slang], riot, scream, thigh-slapper; antic, buffoonery, caper, leg-pull, monkeyshine(s), practical joke, prank, trick; burlesque, caricature, lampoon, mock, mockery, parody, put-on, riff; banter, kidding, persiflage, raillery, repartee; drollness, facetiousness, funniness, hilariousness, humorousness; comedy, humor, wit, wordplay
bloke, broke, choke, cloak, coke, croak, folk, hoke, moke, oak, poke, Polk, roque, smoke, soak, soke, spoke, stoke, stroke, toke, toque, yogh, yoke, yolk
My friends would joke about the uniform I had to wear at work.
She joked about the possibility of losing her job.
I thought he was joking when he said he might quit, but it turned out that he really meant it.
Don't take it seriously: I was only joking.
She spent a few minutes joking with reporters after giving her speech.
She joked that she could always get work as a truck driver if she lost her job.
the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn''t appreciate my humor"; "you can''t survive in the army without a sense of humor"
the quality of being funny; "I fail to see the humor in it"
the liquid parts of the body
(Middle Ages) one of the four fluids in the body whose balance was believed to determine your emotional and physical state; "the humors are blood and phlegm and yellow and black bile"
a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter
a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"
put into a good mood
Similar Words: humour, sense of humor, sense of humour, liquid body substance, bodily fluid, body fluid, wit, witticism, wittiness, temper, mood
Hyponyms: aqueous humor, aqueous humour, vitreous humor, vitreous humour, vitreous body, endolymph, perilymph, extracellular fluid, ECF, intracellular fluid, juice, succus, karyolymph, milk, amniotic fluid, amnionic fluid, waters, blood, serum, blood serum, chyle, lymph, semen, seed, seminal fluid, ejaculate, cum, ink, secretion, black bile, melancholy, yellow bile, choler, phlegm, sputum, lochia, pus, purulence, suppuration, ichor, sanies, festering, spinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, jeu d'esprit, bon mot, mot, pungency, bite, sarcasm, irony, satire, caustic remark, repartee, joke, gag, laugh, jest, jape, caricature, imitation, impersonation, cartoon, sketch, fun, play, sport, ribaldry, topper, sulk, sulkiness, good humor, good humour, good temper, amiability, ill humor, ill humour, distemper
Anyone know any?
They usually go along the lines of: "What's the definition of <insert word>?"
Here's mine:
What's the definition of agony??
A one-armed man hanging off a cliff with an itchy bum.
What's the definition of "a shame" (as in, "that's a shame")?
When a busload of lawyers goes off a cliff.
What is the definition of a "crying shame"?
When there was an empty seat.
What's the definition of 'risky'
Having diahrea and chancing a fart.
whats the definition of a women with one leg leaning against a wall?
whats the definition of a man with no arms or legs floating in the water?
whats the definition of a man with no arms and legs laying on your front door step?
Jokes can help heal. Use these and other jokes to bring smiles to the staff and patients/residents you work with. Send additional bad jokes.
What do you call a cow with one leg? answer: Lean Beef
What do you call a cow with a twitch? answer: beef jerky
What do you call a cow stuck in a barbed wire fence? answer: utter destruction
two part joke-
how do you catch a unique rabbit? answer: you 'neek' up on it.
how do you catch a tame unique rabbit? answer: tame way you 'neek' up on it.
what did the gangsta say when the houses fell on him? answer: get up off me homes
two part joke:
why do elephants paint their toenails red? answer: to hide in the strawberry patch.
have you ever seen an elephant in a strawberry patch? answer: works doesn't it?
why were the strawberries all upset? answer: they were in a jam
(submitted by Erin Grover of University Nuropsychiatric Institute)
Why did the turkey cross the road? Answer: To prove he wasn't chicken.
Why did the boy throw the clock out the window? Answer: He wanted to see time fly.
What did the cookie say to the watermelon? Answer: Nothing, cookies can't talk.
(Bernadette M. on February 13, 2011)
Why was tigger looking down the toilet??
A: Because he was trying to find Pooh!! Ha ha, i love that joke!!
(submitted by Katy Hogden of Hull University)
Why did the chicken cross the road?
He had to report to work at KFC. :)
(submitted by Gordon Antone of Standing Stone School)
What do you call a cow that just gave birth to a calf?
(submitted by Stephen Bene)
A Passover Joke:
A Rabbi From Spain, Just Before Passover, Alarmingly Telephones A Rabbi From Isreal, To Notify Him Of A Shortage Of Chrain (Horseradish). The Rabbi From Isreal Resassures Him Not To Worry, He Will Send The Needed Chrain To Spain. When The Rabbi From Spain Does Not Receive His Chrain, He Telephones The Rabbi In Isreal. The Rabbi From Isreal Says I Am Sorry To Inform You, We Have A Major Air Plane Strike In Isreal. Unfortunately At This Time, “THE CHRAIN FOR SPAIN IS MAINLY ON THE PLANE.”
(Submitted by Arnie Idelson on 4-2-09)
What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh (get it, no I's)
(submitted by Samantha on October 30, 2009)
A man in his 90's, for a Special Birthday Gift from his Grandsons, is sent a Stripper to his home to entertain him. After she rings the bell of his home, she informs him that his grandsons sent her as a special birthday gift, to provide her services. The grandfather asks her, " What do you do?" She said ,"I can provide you "Sup-er Sex". “He says, “Look, I'm 98 years old, I'll take the Soup!"
(Submitted by Arnie Idelson CTRS, LCAT, CPRP on 8-2-08)
What is the first letter of the word Yellow?
What is the first letter of the word Yellow?
(DW of Veranda on March 22, 2006)
What did God say to the man on the moon?
Kneel Armstrong! (a.k.a. ""Neil Armstrong!)
(Submitted by Marisa Jordan of Royal Ottawa Hospital)
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Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu

Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Kid Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
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