Funny Clean Jokes Defination
something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.
a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.
something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: The test was a joke for the whole class.
wisecrack, gag, jape, prank, quip, quirk, sally, raillery. Joke, jest refer to something said (or done) in sport, or to cause amusement. A joke is something said or done for the sake of exciting laughter; it may be raillery, a witty remark, or a prank or trick: to tell a joke. Jest today a more formal word, nearly always refers to joking language and is more suggestive of scoffing or ridicule than is joke : to speak in jest. Unabridged
1. a humorous anecdote
2. something that is said or done for fun; prank
3. a ridiculous or humorous circumstance
4. a person or thing inspiring ridicule or amusement; butt
5. a matter to be joked about or ignored
6. joking apart seriously: said to recall a discussion to seriousness after there has been joking
7. no joke something very serious
— vb
8. ( intr ) to tell jokes
9. ( intr ) to speak or act facetiously or in fun
10. to make fun of (someone); tease; kid
[C17: from Latin jocus a jest]
Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled.
a. Free from foreign matter or pollution; unadulterated: clean air; clean drinking water.
b. Not infected: a clean wound.
a. Producing relatively little pollution: a clean fuel; a cleaner, more efficient engine.
b. Producing relatively little radioactive fallout or contamination: a clean nuclear bomb.
4. Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or even: a clean edge; a smooth, clean joint.
a. Not ornate or intricate; spare: "the clean lines and exquisite proportions of early modernism" (Judith Thurman).
b. Sharply defined; clear-cut: a clean outline against the sky.
6. Free from clumsiness; deft; adroit: a clean throw.
7. Devoid of restrictions or encumbrances: a clean bill of health.
8. Thorough; complete: a clean getaway.
9. Having few alterations or corrections; legible: clean manuscript.
10. Blank: a clean page.
a. Morally pure; virtuous: led a clean life.
b. Having no marks of discredit or offense: a clean voting record.
12. Fit for all readers, listeners, or audiences; not ribald or obscene: a clean joke.
13. Honest or fair: a clean fighter; a clean competition.
14. Slang
a. Not carrying concealed weapons or drugs.
b. Innocent of a suspected crime.
15. Informal
a. Free from narcotics addiction.
b. Showing no evidence of using banned or performance-enhancing substances: proven to be clean before the race.
adv. cleaner, cleanest
1. So as to be unsoiled: wash the dishes clean.
2. In a fair manner: played the game clean.
3. In a clean or nonpolluting manner: a fuel that burns clean.
4. Informal Entirely; wholly: clean forgot the appointment.
v. cleaned, clean·ing, cleans
1. To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities: clean a room; clean a suit.
2. To get rid of (impurities or dirt, for example); remove: cleaned up the trash; cleaned off the stains.
3. To prepare (fowl or other food) for cooking, as by removing the entrails or fat.
4. To remove the contents from; empty: cleaned my plate.
5. Sports To lift (a barbell) from the floor to the shoulders in one motion.
To undergo or perform an act of cleaning.
Phrasal Verbs:
clean out
1. To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities.
2. To empty of contents or occupants.
3. Informal To drive or force out: cleaned out the incompetent workers.
4. Slang To deprive completely of money or material wealth: The robbery cleaned us out.
clean up
1. To make clean or orderly.
2. To make oneself clean, neat, or presentable.
3. To dispose of; settle: cleaned up the unpaid bills.
4. Slang To make a large profit, often in a short period of time: cleaned up during the bull market.
clean house Slang
To eliminate or discard what is undesirable: The scandal forced the company to clean house.
[Middle English clene, from Old English clne.]
cleana·ble adj.
cleanness n.
Synonyms: clean, antiseptic, cleanly, immaculate, spotless
These adjectives mean free from dirt: clean clothing; antiseptic surgical instruments; a cleanly pet; an immaculate
1. without dirt or other impurities; unsoiled
2. without anything in it or on it: a clean page.
3. recently washed; fresh
4. without extraneous or foreign materials
5. without defect, difficulties, or problems: a clean test flight.
6. (Nuclear Physics)
a. (of a nuclear weapon) producing little or no radioactive fallout or contamination
b. uncontaminated. Compare dirty11
7. (Medicine) (of a wound, etc) having no pus or other sign of infection
8. pure; morally sound
9. without objectionable language or obscenity: a clean joke.
10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (of printer's proofs, etc) relatively free from errors; easily readable: clean copy.
11. thorough or complete: a clean break.
12. dexterous or adroit: a clean throw.
13. (General Sporting Terms) sport played fairly and without fouls
14. simple in design: a ship's clean lines.
15. (Aeronautics) aeronautics causing little turbulence; streamlined
16. (Aeronautics) (of an aircraft) having no projections, such as rockets, flaps, etc, into the airstream
17. honourable or respectable
18. habitually neat
19. (esp of a driving licence) showing or having no record of offences
a. innocent; not guilty
b. not carrying illegal drugs, weapons, etc
21. (Nautical Terms) nautical (of a vessel)
a. having its bottom clean
b. having a satisfactory bill of health
22. (Bible) Old Testament
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu

Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu

Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
Funny Clean Jokes Jokes In Punjabi Funny for Facebook Images and Hindi Latest Very Funny In Urdu
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