Short Jokes Defination
1. Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
2. A mischievous trick; a prank.
3. An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.
4. Informal
a. Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality: The accident was no joke.
b. An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock: His loud tie was the joke of the office.
v. joked, jok·ing, jokes
1. To tell or play jokes; jest.
2. To speak in fun; be facetious.
These nouns refer to something that is said or done in order to evoke laughter or amusement. Joke especially denotes an amusing story with a punch line at the end: told jokes at the party.
Jest suggests frolicsome humor: amusing jests that defused the tense situation.
A witticism is a witty, usually cleverly phrased remark: a speech full of witticisms.
A quip is a clever, pointed, often sarcastic remark: responded to the tough questions with quips.
Sally denotes a sudden quick witticism: ended the debate with a brilliant sally.
Crack and wisecrack refer less formally to flippant or sarcastic retorts: made a crack about my driving ability; punished for making wisecracks in class.
Gag is principally applicable to a broadly comic remark or to comic by-play in a theatrical routine: one of the most memorable gags in the history of vaudeville.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
This page starts a new category of language humor, New Meanings for Old Words. We began with The Washington Post's alternate meanings for common words. However, we consider this page open-ended and we encourage you to let your imagination fly and send us the results. Come back at least once a month to see what is new here. Be sure to check at the bottom of this page as well as the top.
Apiary n. A sting operation. (Thank you, Eve Moody)
Mobilization n. Removing your land line and switching all calls to your mobile. (Thank you, Dr. Goodword)
Ramification n. A consequence that is forced down your throat. (Thank you, Andy Stein)
Politician n.Someone who shakes your hand befor an election and your confidence after it. (Thank you, Sam Fisher)
Stalemate (stale•mate) n. A leading cause of divorce.
Compromise n. The art of slicing a cake in such a way that everyone believes they received the biggest piece.
Conference n. The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.
Conference room np. A place where everyone talks, no one listens, and later everyone disagrees about what was said.
Doctor n. A person who kills your ills with pills then kills you with bills.
Etc. abb. An abbreviation that makes others think you know more than you actually do.
Father n. The banker that nature provides.
Lecture n. The art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the lecturees without passing through the minds of either.
Office n. A place where you can relax after a strenuous night at home.
Smile n. A curve that can set a lot of things straight.
Tears n. The means by which masculine will-power is defeated by feminine water-power.
Acre n. Someone that aches
Afterdraft n. Life following conscription
Atomize v. To transform from a male cat to a female.
Carnation n. Country where each citizen owns an automobile
Childhood n. Cowl for an infant.
Colander n. Someone who arrives with you on the same plane.
Coroner n. A round corner
Cytology n. The study of real estate.
Diode n. A pair of two long poems.
Emotion n. Electron movement (also e-motion).
Evening n. The first Chinese woman God created.
Exercise n. Her former body measurements.
Immediate v. To refrain from mediating.
Liquor n. How a male animal cleans his mate.
Manometer n. An instrument for detecting disguised males in a group of females.
Maritime n. Hour of a wedding.
Nitrate n. The price after sundown.
Season n. Male offspring of Poseidon.
Syntax n. Tariff on immorality.
Tautology n. A riveting, gripping studArtery, n. The study of paintings.
Bacteria, n. The back door of a cafeteria.
Barium, n. What doctors recommend when their patients die.
Benign, adj. What you be after you be eight.
Caesarean section, np. High-rent area in Rome.
Cat scan, np. A search for kitty.
Cauterize, v. Made eye contact with her.
Colic, n. A breed of sheep dog.
Coma, n. A punctuation mark of consciousness.
Dilate, v. To live a long life.
Disaster, vp. What happened to the lady who backed into a propellor
Fibula, n. A small lie.
Impotent, adj. Distinguished, well known.
Labor pain, np. The result of a work injury.
Medical Staff, np. A doctor's walking cane.
Morbid, adj. A higher offer.
Nitrates, npl. A price cheaper than day rates.
Node, v. Past tense of knew.
Outpatient, n. A person who has fainted.
Pelvis, n. Elvis's second cousin.
Postoperative, n. A mailman or letter carrier.
Recovery room, np. Place to do upholstery.
Rectum, v. Nearly killed him.
Secretion, n. A hiding place.
Seizure, n. An alcoholic Roman emperor.
Tablet, n. A small table.
Terminal illness, np. Airport sickness.
Tumor, n. One more than one more.
Urine, vp. Where you are when you aren't out.
Short Jokes
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