Hilarious Jokes Defination
1. Definition (adj.) sarcastic tone as in “that’s hilarious”; “you are so hilarious” meaning you think you’re so funny but you’re not really at all
Examples You are so hilarious when you make those comments, it’s not even funny!
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2. Definition (adj.) extremely funny
Examples Dude, I saw this hysterical movie last night. You have to check it out. It was so funny.
Examples Dude, I saw this hilarious movie last night. You have to check it out. It was so funny.
Examples My friend Jeff is hilarious. Every thing he says is funny. When I’m around him I can’t stop laughing.
Examples My friend Jeff is hilarious. Every thing he says is funny. When I’m around him I can’t stop laughing.
To emphasise something the word fierce is often used, as in 'fierce hard' [ie difficult] or 'he has a fierce strong accent'. The words quare8or awful can also be used to denote emphasis.
To accomplish something quickly is to do it fairly lively.
Shenanigans refers to intrigue, trickery or hidden manoeuvres designed to effect a certain outcome.
Will and Guy's Top Twenty Funny Irish Phrases
Bacteria: Back door to cafeteria.
Barium: What you do when patients die.
Benign: What you be, after you be eight.
Caesarean Section: A neighbourhood in Rome.
Catscan: Searching for Kitty.
Cauterize: Made eye contact with her.
Colic: A sheep dog.
Coma: A punctuation mark.
Dilate: To live long.
Enema: Not a friend.
Fester: Quicker than someone else.
Fibula: A small lie.
Impotent: Distinguished, well known.
Labour Pain: Getting hurt at work.
Medical Staff: A Doctor's cane.
Morbid: A higher offer.
Nitrates: Cheaper than day rates.
Node: I knew it.
Outpatient: A person who has fainted.
Pelvis: Second cousin to Elvis.
Post Operative: A letter carrier.
Recovery Room: Place to do upholstery.
Rectum: Nearly killed him.
Secretion: Hiding something.
Seizure: Roman emperor.
Tablet: A small table.
Terminal Illness: Getting sick at the airport.
Tumour: One plus one more.
Urine: Opposite of you're out.
You've got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your grandfather was.
The longest road out is the shortest road home.
The Irish are very fair people; they never speak well for one another.
A quarrel is like buttermilk: once it's out of the churn, the more you shake it, the more sour it grows.
God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.
The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scots as a joke, but the Scots haven't seen the joke yet.
The Irish ignore anything they can't drink or punch.
He is bad that will not take advice, but he is a thousand times worse that takes every advice.
One of the worst things that can happen in life is to win a bet on a horse at an early age.
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
Every St. Patrick's Day every Irishman goes out to find another Irishman to make a speech to.
An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto one blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth.
If it was raining soup, the Irish would go out with forks.
Here's to our wives and girlfriends: May they never meet
My mother's menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it.
God is good to the Irish, but no one else is; not even the Irish.
If one could only teach the English how to talk, and the Irish how to listen, society here would be quite civilized.
The Irish forgive their great men when they are safely buried.
Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis.
I can resist everything except temptation. Oscar Wilde (He was the master of the Irish phrase)
Thanks to the BBC for help in compiling this material.
Irish Leprechauns
Many cultures have fairies as part of their folklore, but few have little people with such a rich source of humour, funny stories and different guises as leprechauns. To begin with leprechauns are exclusively male which immediately gives them great scope for mischief. Classic Irish phrase for someone who's a bit loopy, or maybe a daydreamer, 'He's away with the fairies'.
One of the best way to explain funny Irish phrases is by way of jokes and tall stories. However, certain words and phrases should never be uttered in Ireland itself, despite the common misperception that they are "typically Irish." They died a death decades ago, if they were ever used at all. Such phrases include bedad and begorrah, top of the morning, or faith, me darling. Calling a woman a "fine colleen" is likely to lead to you getting a kick in the shins.
Bejeezus (And to Be Shure)
amusing entertaining witty humorous comic hilarious
These words all describe somebody/something that makes you laugh or smile.
funny that makes you laugh:a funny story ◇ He was a very funny guy.
amusing funny and enjoyable:It's a very amusing game to play.
entertaining amusing and interesting:It was a very entertaining evening.
witty clever and amusing; able to say or write clever and amusing things:a witty remark ◇ a witty public speaker
humorous funny and entertaining; showing a sense of humour:a humorous look at the world of fashion
comic that makes you laugh:Many of the scenes in the book are richly comic.
hilarious extremely funny
funny, amusing, humorous or comic?
Amusing is the most general of these words because it includes the idea of being enjoyable as well as making people laugh and can be used to describe events, activities and occasions:an amusing party/game/evening ◇ a funny/humorous/comic party/game/evening. Humorous is more about showing that you see the humour in a situation, than actually making people laugh out loud. Comic is used especially to talk about writing and drama or things that are funny in a deliberate and theatrical way. It is not used to describe people (except for comic writers). Funny can describe people, jokes and stories, things that happen, or anything that makes people laugh.
a(n) funny/amusing/entertaining/witty/humorous/comic story
a(n) funny/amusing/entertaining/witty/humorous speech
a(n) funny/entertaining/witty/humorous/comic writer
a(n) funny/amusing/hilarious joke
to find something funny/amusing/entertaining/witty/humorous/hilarious
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